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Pet Acoustics technology has received attention from global media

The Animals’ TV Show

The Animals' Television show (tATVs) is all about the animals for the animals produced in Brisbane, Australia with Host, Rommie Buhler.
Animal health care experts, trainers, photographers, behaviorists, storytellers, artists, authors and more from all over the world talk about all things wild and domesticated animals.
This show is designed to be educational, inspiring and entertaining to help the welfare of the animals co-existing on this planet with us human animals.

WHAT PETS HEAR MATTERS, Animal behavior is triggered by their acute hearing.
Their instinct is to seek comfort in their environment to feel safe and calm.
In this episode Janet shares with us how music and sound affects the behavior of animals.
Sound is invisible so we don't give it much attention, but it has a huge impact on our animals' experience.
We don't hear what they hear so we have no idea what they're experiencing.
When it goes above a comfortable level the message to the brain says "danger or pain".
While horses hear more than humans do, they are the most closely related to us in terms of levels of hearing.